#include "Arduino.h"
#include "ir_nec_4.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#define SRATE 50 // interrupt sampling rate in microseconds
#define FUZZYNESS 150 // allowed measurement deviation in microseconds
#define TICK_INTERVAL(t, us) ((t) >= ((us)-FUZZYNESS)/SRATE && (t) <= ((us)+FUZZYNESS)/SRATE)
#define SAMPLES_MAX 100 // number of saved measurements (100 should be sufficient for a single keypress)
static volatile int samples_num = 0;
static volatile unsigned samples[SAMPLES_MAX] = {};
static volatile int lastread_val = HIGH;
static volatile unsigned lastswitch_tick = 0;
static int PIN = -1;
if (digitalRead(PIN) == lastread_val) { // no change: increase the current value's tick duration
} else { // edge triggered: pin state has changed in either direction
if (samples_num < SAMPLES_MAX) {
samples[samples_num++] = lastswitch_tick; // TODO: use ring-buffer instead?
lastread_val ^= 1;
lastswitch_tick = 0; // start counting tick duration from scratch
IR_NEC_4::IR_NEC_4(int p): lastkey(0) {
PIN = p;
void IR_NEC_4::enable() {
pinMode(PIN, INPUT);
// reset some unused 16bit timer, i.e. 4 on arduino mega (controlling also PWM pins 6, 7, 8)
// TODO: support multiple timers to choose from
// TODO: support 8 bit timers (with prescale and/or additional counter)
TCCR4A = 0;
TCCR4B = 0;
// start at 0 in CTC mode (Clear Timer on Compare Match)
TCNT4 = 0;
TCCR4B |= (1 << WGM12);
// 16MHz w/o prescale -> 1/16us -> 800 for 50us
TCCR4B |= (1 << CS10); // no prescale (1)
OCR4A = (F_CPU / 1000000UL) * SRATE; // Output Compare Register
// start Output Compare Interrupt
TIMSK4 |= (1 << OCIE4A);
#ifdef IR_NEC_4_DEBUG
Serial.println("using timer 4 for IR interrupt");
byte IR_NEC_4::decode() {
// fetch & reset collected samples
int n = samples_num;
if (n < 3 + (32*2)) {
return 0; // whole keypress not possible yet
unsigned s[SAMPLES_MAX];
memcpy(s, (void*)samples, n*sizeof(unsigned));
lastread_val = HIGH;
samples_num = 0;
#ifdef IR_NEC_4_DEBUG
Serial.print("trying to decode "); Serial.print(n); Serial.println(" IR samples");
// find NEC start sequence: 9000, 4500
int start = 0;
if (start >= n-1-(32*2)) return 0;
for (int i=start; i<n-1-(32*2); ++i) {
if (TICK_INTERVAL(s[i], 9000)) {
start = i;
#ifdef IR_NEC_4_DEBUG
Serial.print("found NEC starting sequence at "); Serial.println(start);
if (!start) {
return 0; // cannot be the very first one
} else if (TICK_INTERVAL(s[start+1], 4500)) {
start += 2; // found
} else if (TICK_INTERVAL(s[start+1], 2250)) {
goto again; // TODO: repeat codes skipped
} else {
return 0;
// binary decode
union {
unsigned long w;
byte b[4];
} code = {};
unsigned code_bits = 0;
for (int i=start; i<n; i+=2) {
if (!TICK_INTERVAL(s[i], 550)) {
if (TICK_INTERVAL(s[i+1], 550)) { // 0: 562.5µs pulse burst followed by a 562.5µs space
code.w = code.w << 1;
} else if (TICK_INTERVAL(s[i+1], 1600)) { // 1: 562.5µs pulse burst followed by a 1.6875ms space
code.w = (code.w << 1) | 1;
} else {
// sanity checks & done
#ifdef IR_NEC_4_DEBUG
Serial.print(code_bits, DEC); Serial.println(" code bits found");
if (code_bits != 32) return 0;
#ifdef IR_NEC_4_DEBUG
Serial.print("decoded to 0x"); Serial.println(code.w, HEX);
if (code.b[3] != 0x00 || code.b[2] != 0xff) return 0;
if (code.b[1] & 0xff != ~code.b[0] & 0xff) return 0;
#ifdef IR_NEC_4_DEBUG
Serial.print("success - keycode: 0x"); Serial.println(code.b[1], HEX);
return code.b[1];
boolean IR_NEC_4::checkResults() {
return ((lastkey ?: (lastkey = decode())) != 0);
byte IR_NEC_4::getResults() {
byte rv = lastkey;
if (rv) {
lastkey = 0;
} else {
rv = decode();
return rv;