
After receiving a bachelors and masters degree in computer science from university in 2012, I’ve been working as “full stack” backend software engineer, living in SW-Germany. For several years, my main professional focus has been on projects integrated in Linux-based hardware appliances for caching, filtering, and various threat mitigation purposes. Amongst others, the topics were often related to networking or web server/proxy security, availability, and performance.

Following the dark Commodore and then Visual Basic days, I initially started with Web development as a minor sideline job – mostly on the backend-side, not Web design (obviously). Web technologies in general still are a dynamic and thus interesting topic, yet my primary focus shifted quickly to systems- and networking security of many kinds, “serious” software engineering, and the Linux ecosystem. While my studies brought up many exciting subjects, these were again those pursued as a side occupation, and were then also full-time as of 2013.

In 2019, I took the opportunity to join a university-close “cybersecurity” startup – reviving my interests in this particular field.


Inquiries, comments, and discussions of any kind as well as leads for new opportunities are generally welcome at hackitude42®gmail.com. For personal/judicial contact information, please refer to hackitu.de’s corresponding whois database.

Projects on hackitu.de

Hackitude is basically a collection of fun coding projects that I wrote over the years and open-sourced for everyone’s reference. Unfortunately, I must not publicly address any of those topics directly connected to my current employment by publishing code, patches, scripts, or articles in a utilizable manner due to legal restrictions. This is why most code available here is not always up-to-date. However, despite sticking to the lesser elaborated programming here, I hope you’ll find some usable information nevertheless. Please note that most code is in an exploratory style and should thus not be considered ready for production environments. Also, it does not live up to my nowaday’s standards on documentation and testing.

In case you want to keep up with the sheer amount of new posts being published here, there is an RSS feed. For distraction-free or dark mode, most articles should be well compatible with for example Chrome Reader Mode or Firefox Reader View.

hackitu.de & Privacy

Hackitude proudly runs without requiring cookies, JavaScript, external CDN resources, semi-related stock or AI pictures, overly bloated and thus often insecure publishing frameworks, or any other server-side databases or scripts. Not that I would not like or use those techniques in general, but a minimal from-scratch approach seemed more appropriate and beneficial in this context – it’s basically only an automated export of some local git repository README files with handmade layout after all.

In compliance with the EUDataP regulations, information about the device you use to look at this website is collected, stored, and will be deleted timely except for when needed for legal reasons. Apart from this access logging, no other personal data will be gathered, processed, or sent to third parties.

Licensing details for website content such as articles can be found at Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. Software source code is published under the terms of the GNU AGPL 3.0.

All material is attributed with All rights reserved, 2011+, F. Schröder and is provided as is, with absolutely no warranty expressed or implied. Any use is at your own risk.