2D OpenGL gameworld

Explore a procedurally generated 2D gameworld with mazes and sokoban sublevels. Shows basic OpenGL, texture tilemap, and geometry shader usage examples.

Yet another boring block adventure (yabba) comes with a procedurally generated 2D/pseudo-3D gameworld including mazes and sokoban sublevels to find and solve. Apart from a generic OpenGL setup with geometry shaders for simple 3D models, it mainly shows the basic usage of a texture tilemap on a mesh including static sprite animations.

The goal is to find and solve all levels hidden in the overall gameworld – and to avoid getting trapped in a maze. As I stopped working on it after the “basically works” and “looks ok” state, it should rather be considered a PoC or engine to build on for upcoming ideas. There was not enough time or creativity for a proper concept, story, or elaborated looks.

In-Game Screenshot

Game installation & controls

Download the pre-built package provided below or build from source using make, which requires headers and libraries for GLEW, glfw, GL, GLU, and pthread. The game accepts the following optional runtime arguments:

Run in windowed mode with given dimension in pixels. The default is to run fullscreen with native resolution.
Set the seed (32bit unsigned integer) for level generation. Otherwise, one is pseudo-randomly chosen.

After startup, the controls are as follows:

Code & Download